Resources & Services

非裔美国人资源中心致力于为学生提供成为加州州立大学成功学生所需的资源和培训, Fullerton. 这里有一些校园和社区资源,我们发现这些资源可能对本科生有用, graduates, staff, and faculty.

Student Organizations


The Afro-Ethnic Student Association

Mission Statement:

非裔学生协会(AESA)是奥兰治县地区(科罗拉多州立大学富勒顿校区)的一个非裔美国人组织,负责领导工作, mentorship, volunteer work, social event planning, 以及对黑人/非裔美国人社区所涉及的社会问题的认识. 我们的组织希望加强黑人/非裔美国人社区学生之间的联系, family and friends.

President: Naomi Belgrave
Meeting Time: Every Other Thursday at 5:00pm in Titan Student Union

Link: AESA on TitanLink


Mission Statement:

保护非洲人意识联盟(APAC)的使命是加强非洲裔美国家庭和更大的多元文化社区的教育有效性,从而提高生活质量, 学生团体和我们尊敬的社区的居民. APAC provides unity, awareness of societal issues, 以及努力在校园里塑造非裔美国人/黑人男性的正面形象 .

President: Makai Riley
Meeting Time: TBD

Link: APAC on TitanLink

The Black Student Union

Mission Statement:

我们是加州州立大学的黑人学生会, Fullerton, 其主要目标是认识到在黑人/非裔美国学生组织之间建立统一战线的必要性. Formed on a voluntary basis, 这次会议的目的不仅仅是在口头上团结我们, but in action as well. 黑人学生会通过多元化促进学生的成长和发展, academics, and community services and outreach. 我们为所有种族的学生提供了一个庆祝黑人文化的机会, lifestyle, and history.

President: Bethany Whittaker
Meeting Time: Every Monday at 1:30pm in Titan Student Union - Bradford AB

Link: BSU on TitanLink

Divine Servants

Mission Statement:

这个组织的目的是提供学生在大学社区, emphasis on the African American Community, 并借着我们主耶稣基督,明白神的道. 我们希望学生能与神建立个人的关系, 然后他们会在自己的社区里传播耶稣的善良

President: Caleb Mack
Meeting Time: Mondays at 8:00p in CSUF Housing

Link: Divine Servants on TitanLink

National Society of Black Engineers

Mission Statement:

The purpose of the National Society of Black Engineers (NSBE); California State University, 富勒顿(CSUF)分会旨在激发和发展学生对工程的兴趣, strive to increase the number of students studying engineering at both the undergraduate and graduate levels; and to endeavor in the advancement of the ethnic minority engineer within the professional industry.

President: Austin Murrell
Meeting Time: Tuesdays at 5:00pm in Titan Student Union - Bradford AB

Link: NSBE on TitanLink


Mission Statement:

Sistertalk是一个关注非裔美国女性在校园和社区中角色变化和关注的组织. 这是通过一个以解决方案为导向的授权对话会议来实现的,每个人都表达了他们对彼此关系的担忧, African American men, other women's groups, and the dominant culture at large. 该组织关注的是校园内外非裔美国女性的担忧.

President: Kyree Jackson
Meeting Time: Wednesdays at 6:00pm in GH 205

Link: SisterTalk on TitanLink

The Movement

Mission Statement:

T该运动致力于通过团结所有种族的学生,并对他们进行非裔美国舞蹈的历史背景教育,丰富CSUF学生的舞蹈文化. 我们提倡言论自由和身心健康, 同时为我们的会员创造一个安全、有趣的居住环境. We are open to all students of all races, 团体和兴趣,不需要舞蹈背景加入.

President: JaNae White
Meeting Time: 逢星期二或四下午七时,于运动机能厅264举行

Link: The Movement on TitanLink

National Pan-Hellenic Council (NPHC)

这些学生组织得到了全国泛希腊理事会的认可,在加州州立大学一直很活跃, Fullerton (CSUF). 以下是NPHC认可的姐妹会和兄弟会生活的各个章节.

Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc.

Delta Sigma Theta Sorority was founded on January 13, 1913年由22名非裔美国女性在华盛顿霍华德大学完成.C. In 1930, the organization was incorporated as a private, 以提供服务和促进人类福利为目的的非营利组织. From the first undergraduate chapter, Alpha chapter, 这个联谊会已经发展成为一个拥有930多个研究生和本科生分会的组织,其中有200多个分会,000 predominantly Black colleges’ educated women. The sorority currently has chapters ins US, England, Japan (Tokyo and Okinawa), Germany, the Virgin Islands, Bermuda, the Bahamas and the Republic of Korea. Today, Delta Sigma Theta姐妹会是世界上最大的非裔希腊字母姐妹会.

CSUF Status: Active

Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity, Inc.

Kappa Alpha Psi, a college Fraternity, 现在由全国各大校园和城市的本科生和校友分会组成, is the crystallization of a dream. It is the beautiful realization of a vision shared commonly by the late Revered Founders Elder Watson Diggs; John Milton Lee; Byron K. Armstrong; Guy Levis Grant; Ezra D. Alexander; Henry T. Asher; Marcus P. Blakemore; Paul W. Caine; Edward G. Irvin and George W. Edmonds.

CSUF Status:  Active